
A middle age gay man in transition.

Sunday, September 18, 2005


Yes it finally happened I got a high speed internet connection, so hopefully if anyone out there is interested, I may be making more frequent entries. Except I usually write when I feel down or things are on my mind. Lately, aside from the job, life has been good in fact I don't know if I believe it.

The man is away this weekend and I miss him a great deal, but he has called me twice. This is such a great feeling knowing someone wants to talk to you and be with you. I like this man very much, I am not sure where it will go or how it will turn out but for the moment I am on the high you get when you first enter a relationship(If I can use that term?). He even told me he thinks he really, really likes me tonight!!!! Oh how great it was to hear those words. Of course I have concerns about the 17 year age difference, but everyone else is telling me not to worry about that, but I do, but I am also trying to be positive and enjoy what is happening. I have the biggest grin and when I finally see him again on Tuesday, I will be walking on a cloud!

PS Sorry Chameleon that I did not call tonight, I got home late and thought you might be in bed. But I do want to talk soon. Thank you for your enduring support and love. I love you!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Finally a good week...well not at work but everywhere else. I met a guy on line Saturday that I had actually met a year ago and we had a hot session. I sent him a message and within an hour he was at my door. Well, I saw him Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday...we've even beetn to a movie(almost) and out for dinner. Is this going to go anywhere? I am just taking it a day at a time. I really like the guy, but I am not sure what he really wants...and after all he is 17 years younger than me...and I guess I worry about that, but should I? We are not seeing each other tonight because he is a flight attendant and is working today and tonight...but tomorrow when he gets back he said he wants to get together. Guess I'll keep taking it one day at a time.

Also I have been getting quite chummy with the new guy at work. I have been training him the last couple of days and we have been having far too much fun, joking and talking. I think we are going to become good friends. Well at least I hope so, cause I can use some good friends.

So all in all it has been a good week. I know have some positive things to look forward to. Maybe my life is about to turn around?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


It takes some time to get a high speed internet connection as I am finding out...guess it doesn't pay to work for the company that installs it all the time. It also takes time to get over things..but slowly I am getting there. At first in this city I felt lonely and alone. Now I am gradually fitting in. I still haven't met many real friends but perhaps that is because I don't know how to be a friend so I don't know hot to find friends or cultivate friends.

Not a lot has happened since my last entry. I guess you could say I have a crush on the new guy in the office...but I haven't pursued it at romances can get messy...although I don't even think I am his I will just see what happens naturally.

The office has discovered they like my cheesecake and I have been in demand to bake cakes for all occassions in the office. I hope to suprise them with something different soon to show them my versatility.

I haven't felt the urge to write so often lately...perhaps because I don't need the outlet so much now. But I do still have moments. I know they say you can't look back, but I do. I think I have made so many mistakes in my life...but I must forget them or learn from them and make new goals. I have never been good at goals but perhaps it is time I tried harder.

Well if there is anyone out there...look for entries more often.