Chat Rooms?
Has anyone figured these out? There are chat rooms which are obviously for meeting the gay world for meeting others to have sex with...which can work sometimes. Then there are the rooms which are just there for talk. I don't really understand the people in these rooms, but as I sometimes join these rooms I guess I don't understand myself! I have chatted with several people, not even mentioning sex and have had terrific conversations. We seem to have lots in common and talk freely. But when you next enter the room they will ignore you or if you say hi, they act like they don't know you! What is going on? Yes sometimes I want to meet people for sex, but sometimes I just want to make friends. I offer to meet these people for coffee in a public place but they act like I am crazy. Perhaps they don't need new friends? Perhaps they just come here to lead people on? Perhaps I am not the type of friend they are looking for? Perhaps I come on too strong? I have now after several experiences decided that I will never really meet anyone this way and talk to people expecting nothing and expecting to be forgotten the next time they see my name in the room or I say hello! So do people just go in these rooms to talk for the moment? Some people seems to have friends in the room but perhaps they never take the friendship a step further and actually meet? I guess there is a certain amount of safety in only meeting in cyber space. There is not the chance for rejection based on the real person and the personality and mannerisms that are projected in real life but do not come across in cyber. I have meet guys who I have had great conversations, I met one guy and he was really nice, I liked him he said he liked me and we both found each other sexually interesting. But alas I never heard from him again...maybe he is just too busy but I think he was just too polite and I was not his type. I would rather be told that than just never hearing from someone again. I met a guy I had several weeks of great conversation with. We seemed to get on really well. I spent the night with him and we had some good sex. I sent him a note to say thank you and to say I would be interested in seeing him again, but alas I have not heard from him again. Maybe these are just my personal experiences. Maybe others have more positive experiences. But from now on I expect nothing, believe nothing and fear the worst. But I guess I will keep trying as it does seem to be a good way to meet a lot of people in a short while especially in a small city. You just have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince!