I have been in Toronto since Friday, just for a little rest and relaxation. But Friday was fun meeting up with a couple of fuck buddies. I guess the concept of a fuck buddy is a bit strange to some people but it is practical, convenient and satisfying. I mean you get to have sex with someone you are attracted to, someone you are sexually compatible with and someone you feel comfortable with. One of the guys B, is a professor at one of the local universities, my age and has a partner that he has been with for over eleven years. The other guy A is a 23-year-old single guy between boyfriends. Seems I am attracted to all types. I guess the big advantage of fuck buddies is that the participants are providing a service that is of benefit to both parties without the hassles of dealing with the emotions of love and jealousy. Fuck buddies provide you with that bit of extra sexual excitement that seems hard to hold onto in relationships. Relationships start out all great, both of you looking forward to the excitement of sharing your bodies, but after a while that fades and you have to fight really hard to maintain it, people start not to want sex so often as they get tire, they get busy, peoples cycles don’t seem to match, people can’t agree on how much is best or when is best, fuck buddies help relieve this problem but I guess they also make it easier to not work on maintaining that spark in a relationship, the feelings you get at the beginning of a new relationship, the excitement of being close to someone, trying to please someone, bonding with someone. Does anyone notice how the greatest conversations always occur after a great session of hot steamy sexy you’re lying naked in bed, or is it just me? B of course sees me without his partner’s approval or knowledge although like in several gay partnerships, seeing people on the side is not discussed although both parties usually know it is happening. A sees me when he has time, as he is attracted to older guys (a father figure?) and likes the sex we have. And of course I see them both because they are attractive, intelligent, sexy men that I enjoy spending a little time with. It is not merely “slam bam, thank you mam”; there is a degree of social interaction as well as sexual intercourse involved! Do fuck buddies exist in the straight world? I suppose they must but I am sure it is more difficult to keep emotions from entering into the relationships. And of course emotions can enter into gay relationships as well, but men have a way of looking at sex as just a sexual release kind of thing, we don’t always bundle it up with love and emotion as females seem more likely to do. I just wish I could find a fuck buddy in London. Ultimately I do want more than a fuck buddy but for now it is what I need until I get my life sorted out.
PM please feel free to point out my spelling and grammatical errors! You are my teacher of so many things!
At 5:29 a.m.,
Chameleon said…
I have often wondered why men seem to shy away from a little guilt-free pleasure when there was no chance of their long-term partners finding out and being hurt. Fuck buddies seem to be such a sensible idea. The trouble is, the parameters, no matter how clear initially, might risk becoming blurred, negotiable. I wonder to what extent the lack of fuck buddies amongst straight friends and colleagues has to do with primary socialisation, the institution of monogamy and traditional cultural roles assigned to women (as opposed to inclination). Heterosexual men can always take mistresses. When I was unattached, I used to hold married women engaging in a bout of adultery in contempt (they already HAD a relationship, what were they doing stealing even the crumbs from the table from us?). Now that I am in a stable partnership I would not dream of cheating on my other half (though my eye might occasionally wander in appraisal) if there were even the remotest possibility that he would discover I had been up to no good. What prevents me from taking the opportunities that have presented themselves is the knowledge that I do have a choice - I am not trapped. Women probably do find it harder to detach sex from emotional committment and (without wishing to lapse into determinism) perhaps there is a sound biological reason for them to link the two. Then again, culture liberates us from the tyranny of "nature" and perhaps the desire for stability and exclusive fidelity is a mere by-product of internalised social pressure resulting from the imperative (under patriarchy) of the accurate attribution of paternity. Perhaps this issue can never be satisfactorily resolved. Besides, if it were then nobody would be able to make millions writing self-helf manuals describing the foibles of the opposite sex a la Mars and Venus.
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