
A middle age gay man in transition.

Monday, October 04, 2004


Just another day today, not too much exciting happened. I made a batch of salsa, it took me all of the morning, I hope the results are worth the effort. The tasting will tell in a few days time. Actually found quite a few jobs to apply for today. I have to keep looking. I think I will go to Toronto for the Thanksgiving Holiday this weekend. As my family is away for the holiday weekend, Sunday I cooked a full turkey dinner for the family. It turned out well if I do say so myself. And the pumpkin and ruhbarb pies were a big hit. One of those traditional meals like the many similar meals my Grandmother made for the family through the years.

Today I was talking to the guy in the chat room that I had the big crush on, until I found out he was attached. But we seem to be talking again. It would be nice if we could become friends but somehow I don't thin kthat will ever happen so why do I bother, is it beause I am lonely? Am I just desperate to feel that someone out there wants to talk to me? Who knows, I'll never figure out my own head! Ate too much today, why, I knew I was doing it and I wasn't starving? Have finally got the play figured out for the most part in my head. I have the setting, the set up, the characters and the action. There is no real climax and not sure how I go about it, not really sure I can make it a thoughtful and deep play. Sort of taking the spin that it happens, and perhpas here are some reasons why, I hope it is somewhat funny and thought provoking. Still need to do a little research on the laws in the UK, history etc., but should be able to find it on the internet. Will rely on my friend FD to help with slang, some English slang and may I'll even throw in a Scotsman, I like the accents and they can be pretty sexy. So now I guess I just have to start putting words to paper or computer screen more acurately. I guess I have to try and be a bit disciplined and do so much every day.

I had a few words with PM today, he is really busy for the moment so a nice long chat will have to wait. I admire him for doing so manythings he wants.


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