The Weekend!
Had an OK weekend. Saturday I met up with a guy from a local chat room. He was an interesting character a very brash outgoing type. We went to one of the local bars for their bear bash. It was interesting to meet some of the guys you talk to on-line. I was particularly taken by one guy who's on-line name is dazzlingblue. He has the most amazing sapphire blue eyes I had ever seen and they are natural, not coloured contact lenses. He is also an extremely handsome man. I was particularly attracted to this man. The interesting thing was that he was deaf and communicating with him was accomplished by writing questions and answers on a small notebook which he carried. It is much more difficult to judge if someone is interested in you or not communicating in such a manner. It is much easier to gage a person's level of interest, by the tone of their voice and how they look at you when they talk. After about fifteen minutes of communicating with this gorgeous man, I determined he was not interested in me...oh well...I can still dream.
The guy I went with N.T., was about six years older than me and seemed to know everyone. This was nice because he introduced me to everyone and could give brief synopsis of people. He took a while to get used to, having such an outgoing personality but I did enjoy his company and think he would be fun to go out with for a drink or to a movie. Time will tell if a friendship develops.
Today I met up with a guy called David who I met on line. Are gay men the only people crazy enough to meet a guy for sex after talking to them for five minutes on-line? Would straight people rush into such a liaison? But surprisingly enough we clicked quite well sexually, he was a very fit and handsome man in his late thirties and it was a very nice time for both of us. Afterwards we talked a bit and hopefully will see each other again if not sexually at least as friends. I then went to a movie, "Supersize Me" about a guy who eats only at McDonalds for a month. It was an interesting documentary, although anti-McDonalds as too be expected. There is another side to the story but it was never the less quite interesting and some of the criticism of McDonalds is justified although a lot of the problems with obesity are associated with the changing lifestyles we lead, particularly in North America and to blame fast food outlets like McDonalds is a bit simplistic.
Just before I was about to enter the cinema, my cell phone rang. It was P.M. calling from Brussels. I quickly called him back as I am always anxious to speak to him. We had a brief five minute conversation. He has boyfriend problems. It was his boyfriend's birthday Saturday and there had been a party. The party ended at about 7AM in the morning. The two of them walked back to P.M's place and stopped on the Place Jeu de Ball for a sandwich and frites where Olivier, P.M's boyfriend (Although P.M. would never use that term!), began professing his love of P.M. and his desire for a serious relationship. Olivier got very upset and P.M. was upset trying to explain to Olivier that although he likes him very much, enjoys his company and sometimes has sex with him that he does not see the relationship going anywhere and that he does not love him. P.M. has always been very up front with Olivier about his feelings and finds it hard to understand Olivier's reaction. But I have been there falling for the charm's of P.M. but him not falling for me, but still wanting to see me, sleep with me and be my friend. I can sympathize with Olivier and know he will have a difficult time as he has spent more time with P.M. than I and because they are both Francophone have much more in common. But I am sure, like me, Olivier will try to hold on to P.M. because there is something about him that makes him so charming you want to retain him as a friend if nothing else. Unfortunately P.M. and I did not get to speak very long and I hope that he will call me this week so we can have a nice long chat.
I also spoke to my friend, F.D. Friday evening, who is still in Italy. She was talking about her BLOG and her writing. I did not realize she was so prolific or her love and need to write. I think she is an excellent writer and could probably make a living from it if she was willing to compromise in the sense that she would have to cater to the editor's desires or perhaps she could write a novel and win the Booker Prize. It was a nice chat, I always enjoy talking to her and she mentioned Welsh Rarebit which I know have a desire to eat! Just have to find it now!
At 10:56 a.m.,
Chameleon said…
Ah, the heady temptations of online anonymity...perhaps you have discovered a market niche that needs filling. Personally I would be too cautious to liaise instantly, but I believe that the notion of guilt-free and fast fluid exchange is exciting enough to attract gay and straight alike. I am glad that it worked out well for you.
This morning I saw a blog that amused me and might appeal...The Shower Room. The idea of writing around a series of photographs of men under the shower -plus one cowering cat - is quite brilliant.
I still think your other idea about tracing former lovers has to be worth developing (quickly snap up that dot com name before someone else does!).
No Welsh rarebit on the horizon yet, I'm afraid. I have been too busy, so probably nothing will materialize before next week, more's the pity.
I look forward to my installments of life in Mapleleaf country, so please keep posting my daily fix,
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