
A middle age gay man in transition.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


I never really celebrated my birthday….never seemed a big deal...but if I have to be honest…I guess I just hoped others would remember my birthday…how childish. I had a pleasant birthday this year; first lunch with an old friend, then a movie with another friend this evening…and finally a visit with the man tonight. A few friends also called today with birthday greetings… and it sure did make me feel good….it counteracts the fright I feel when I think how old I am.

The man…..I am enjoying my time with him immensely. I must admit I know I shouldn’t be seeing him as he has a b/f (He has been honest about that.)….but something keeps pulling me to him. I hope it is not just the fact that he is the first guy in a very long time to pay attention to me..but I fear that may be the cause…my insecurities haunting me again. But in all honesty I must say I could be great friends with this man…. our relationship is not just sex as is so often the case with affairs. The relationship is about sharing time together and talking as much as sex. I am also aware I maybe setting myself up to get hurt big time...but I am hoping because I am aware of that possibility, I may be able to create enough distance that my hurt will be minimized.


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