
A middle age gay man in transition.

Thursday, January 20, 2005


Yesterday and today were both good days as I had long talks with two very good friends. Although both of them live thousands of miles away, after a long talk it feels like we have reconnected. I am one of those people who when I become good friends with someone I try to maintain that friendship. When you are lucky enough to meet great people I think it is worth making the effort to keep the friendship alive. Perhaps sometimes I can be annoying in my attempt to keep the friendship working, but to me it is worth the effort. I would just like to thank S.B. and P.M. Thank you for letting me be your friend and you for being my friends. Sometimes I can be demanding of friends, but please know that I am here for you if you need me for any reason, don’t be afraid to be demanding of me, I will help you in anyway I can. I thank you for your love, support and honesty. And the same goes for my friend F.D., lets speak soon and catch up on all the news. I miss you all. You are in my thoughts often and I dream of once again seeing you in person.


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