
A middle age gay man in transition.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


I haven’t written a lot hear lately, firstly because I have been tormented by what I have been writing lately and how it may have been subconsciously manipulative but also as I have been away for the past few days and away from my PC…just excuses really. I have wanted to write but find myself thinking too much about what I want to say.…which is goes against my purpose for writing a blog. It was supposed to be a venue for me to air feelings off the top of my head. But lately I have worried that my words might be misconstrued by some people I do not want to hurt and that if I have concerns with them, I should discuss them personally with the person not via a blog..that would be cowardly. So I shall try to stick to my personal thoughts.


The other night I was driving home and was approaching a car pulled over to the other side of the I approached I realized the car had hit a deer. It scares you because you suddenly realize it could happen to you, it can be dangerous for both the deer and the car and its passengers. I feel sorry for the deer, as men have taken over their natural habitat...but we have also gotten rid of the deer’s natural predator…now their enemies are automobiles. The local authorities want to deplete the deer population as it is growing uncontrolled but others do not want a cull. I guess it is hard for some to see the benefits of hunting deer purely for the purpose of decreasing their numbers…but is it natural for them to live in a world with out natural predators? Surely it must be easier for a deer to die by a single well-aimed bullet then becoming road-kill mangled by an automobile trying to cross a highway? I guess both sides have their reasons and opinions, but who is right? Seeing a dead deer is sad…as we associate deer with being friendly and harmless…and Bambi. But they do destroy farmers’ crops as well. Is there a right answer?


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