
A middle age gay man in transition.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Today I had to drive into the city to do some painting for my brother’s mother-in-law. For a few days I am working…what a change! But the interesting part was the drive to and from the city. It is fall or autumn here in our hemisphere. The foliage on the trees is almost at its prime for its autumn display. So many shades of orange, yellow rust and red all mixed in with leaves still green and coniferous trees. My favourite trees in the fall are Sumac; they change to the most spectacular colour of red, sort of Burgundy or more of a Beaujolais colour. I suppose considering modern technology I should post a picture of the fall colours, but I have not done that yet and not being a techie….I am not sure how to do it. I could use bloggers own software but I am afraid it may come with unwanted things. I digress; I think this time of year can be so beautiful; I missed this time of year while living in Europe. Although I do not miss the snow that comes with winter and in Europe it did tended to be wet and grey in the areas where I lived which can be depressing. But the change of seasons in Brussels and London was less pronounced, it sort of sneaked up on you, while here in my part of the world, you can really tell when spring has arrived or fall has arrived. I love that sense you get when the seasons are changing…it is not so clear from spring to summer, but winter to spring or summer to fall is great. I wish everyone could see at least once a beautiful display of fall foliage. Perhaps I can master the technology to post a picture…keep checking this space!

PM thanks for the French lesson….I will try harder…but I need practice!!!!


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