
A middle age gay man in transition.

Friday, August 05, 2005


Thank you Chameleon for your reply to my eamil, always a pleasure to hear from you, we must talk soon on the phone, I miss our conversations. Have a great time visiting your Dad and at the opera, I wish I could join you.

Feeling kind of guilty as I have been off work all week and no excuse not to write...just this terrible heat and all lack of ambition because of it! I think I finally came up with a solution to get my self back into the wired hopefully soon I will have more frequent entries.

I have been a bit of a tourist in Toronto this week , I took the opportunity of free time to do a few of the things I have never done.

Women you are right, men are jerks! I have met a few guys recently, had some really great conversation and then they ask for my phone number....but they never call? I could understand if I gave them my number unsolicited but when they specifically ask for it and then never call, that I don't understand!!!!

I am meeting a couple of friends from Waffle Land today. They are in town visiting family. We are doing dinner and a movie. I am looking forward to the evening, it will be great to catch up.

I am still as confused as ever, and seem to be a ship floating at sea with no destination....I don't like the feeling. But I must try to believe in myself and start being more positive and optimistic. Why would anyone be interested in me, in my present state???? For me to find someone, I first have to learn to like myself! I have to realize that despite all that has happened, I am genuinely a nice person who has a lot to offer to another person. It is the only way I will ever move on...and I must move on. The past holds terrific memories, good and bad, but I can not dwell in the past. I must plan for the future. I have to set some goals. Chameleon watch out...I want to visit so we can go to the mundane Pizza Hut and a movie...awith a box of Leonidas Chocolates! Look out world cause I am going to start making it again!

Any fellow bloggers from Toronto...interested in meeting a new friend...showing a newbie around the town????


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