Would you accept money to have sex with someone? If you are a woman you would probably say no pretty quickly as to accept cash would make you a whore in society's eyes. If you were a straight man you would say maybe, if I can get cash for something I would do for free, why not as long as she is not ugly, I must be a stud if women are willing to pay to have sex with me! And a gay man...not sure what their answer would be.... yes I enjoy sex anyway so why not get paid for it, but then gay men are shallow and would want the person paying to be attractive to them. And me....mmmmm actually someone in a chat room today proposed paying me to meet him at his hotel tomorrow. This offer of cash came after I told him he did not seem to be my type. He then said that he was married and he just wanted to have fun while in town on business and he did not have time to waste looking for a partner, he just wants to meet a guy and have some fun. Here I am unemployed and living off my savings, do I accept such an offer? He told me what he wanted and expected, basically he wants to touch and fondle a naked guy and expects me to do nothing in return, an interesting proposition. Was he really serious or was this just another guy playing head games? And should I do it if it is a serious offer? What would it make me desperate or just a rent boy? Well I guess I will have to see what happens tomorrow. And would I ever pay for sex? Yes I probably would if I had lots of money and it could buy me time with someone I really fancied and would save all the problems of dating etc., surely a sign of old age? Should prostitution be such a big deal? It is the world's oldest profession.
Cold hard cash for doing something I like, but can I do it with someone I don't like on demand?

At 10:49 a.m.,
Chameleon said…
There is, of course, one socially acceptable form in which a man can pay a woman for sex - when he provides for her as a mistress (a "kept woman"), though admittedly the custom was restricted to wealthy and is out of fashion (and perhaps even favour) these days. I don't honestly know how I would react if a man were to offer me money in exchange for intercourse - I suppose the first thought that would occur to me would be whether he was suffering from an STD or whether he wanted to strangle or smother me once my head hit the pillow or whether his ulterior motive might be to inflict some particularly painful form of kinkiness (I have been glutting on too many thrillers, I admit). If not and if I found him sexy I think being remunerated might give me a kind of frisson. In a way, I would find such an offer flattering. If I were unattached, I might even go through with it. I don't look down on sex workers - their job is harder and more unpleasant than short this entry opens up a whole area of fascinating questions and dilemmas - I am absolutely gagging to know what happens next ;))
The Chameleon
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