
A middle age gay man in transition.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Tonight I saw a friend on MSN Messenger, I sent a message to say hello and I got a response saying that he was bad and was going to bed. I asked a few more questions and he told me he had had a fight with a very good friend of his that he has known for probably twenty years. He sounded absolutely devastated, he was very very upset and down on himself. He said good night and signed off MSN Messenger. I feel so helpless because I want to help him, I want to be there for him but I can't be with him and I am not sure how I can help. I know we are not best friends and he has many friends with which he is closer but he has been so supportive of me I feel I should be able to help him. I wrote him an email telling him I am sure he and his friend could work it out as they had been friends for so long and surely she could understand what he said or did was out of character for him and not reflective of his kind, loving and gentle nature. I even suggested he call a very close friend of the both of them for his suggestions on how to deal with the situation. I have never know this man to be so upset and there seems to be nothing I can do to help, I have a sense of helplessness and it is so frustrating. I know how much this friend means to him and I hope they can work things out. I just wish I could be there for him, to hold him and make him feel better. I just want him to know that if I can help in anyway even if just listening to him on the phone, I will.


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